Loughcrew Equinox - 20th March 2009

Gathering for the Loughcrew Equinox sunrise - 20th March 2009
The Office of Public Works staff opened Cairn T,
on three mornings for the Spring Equinox sunrise illumination of the chamber and
backstone, the 20th March, the actual equinox morning and
on the following two mornings, the 21st and 22nd March. The mornings were foggy leading up the the
equinox, so a relatively small group gathered around 6:30am at Cairn T on Friday 20th March.
Their optimism was rewarded and the equinox sunrise broke through the fog to illuminate the chamber and backstone.
About 150 people made the pilgrimage on Saturday 21st March and about 100 on
Sunday 22nd March, but the fog kept the sun hidden on both mornings.

Sunbeam on the backstone of the chamber inside Cairn T at Loughcrew - 20th March 2009

A sun worshipper contemplating the spring equinox inside Cairn T at Loughcrew - 20th March 2009
Loughcrew Video - Spring Equinox 2005
The progress of the sunbeam on the backstone inside Cairn T at Loughcrew was video recorded at sunrise
on the morning of March 23rd 2005. The 50 minute video has been compressed to 1 minute 46 seconds
and included in the following YouTube Video.
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