New Archaeology in Prehistory - Lecture Series 2009
Recent Revelations about Ireland's First Settlers, evening lecture
series at the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology at Kildare Street, Dublin 2.
The lecture themes were inspired by the Museum's new display of the oldest fishing traps in Ireland and
recent findings from analysis of jadeitite axe heads. Evening lectures will start at 6pm at Kildare Street.
Each evening there are two 30-minute lectures.
No booking required, free admission. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.
Wednesday 14th October @ 6pm
Discovering the Irish Mesolithic: 'The First Settlers of Ireland'
Speaker: Dr Graeme Warren - UCD School of Archaeology.
'Mud and Mire- What Lies Beneath? The archaeological excavation of a late Mesolithic
platform and possible mooring at Clowanstown, Co Meath'
Speaker: Matt Mossop MA MGSDip MIAI - Director, Archaeological Consultancy Ltd
Wednesday 21st October @ 6pm
Prehistoric Irish fish traps:
'Fishing for clues: A curious assemblage of baskets from Clowanstown, Co. Meath'
Speaker: Dr Maria FitzGerald, RPA Project Archaeologist.
'Conservation of some Mesolithic Fish baskets from Clowanstown, Co. Meath'
Speakers: Dr Karena Morton - National Museum of Ireland
Kasia Bernaciak - free-lance archaeological conservator.
Wednesday 28th October @ 6pm
Stone Axes: 'Stories from Stones: Investigating Irish Stone Axes'
Speaker: Emmet O' Keeffe, UCD School of Archaeology.
'Green treasures from the magic mountains: Neolithic axe heads of jadeitite and other Alpine rocks'
Speaker: Dr Alison Sheridan - Head of Early Prehistory, National Museums Scotland
Wednesday 4th November @ 6pm
Living in the Neolithic: 'Monumentality and Ritual in the Neolithic'
Speaker: Professor Muiris O'Sullivan - UCD School of Archaeology
'Tales from the hearth: New research on Neolithic settlement in Ireland'
Speaker: Dr Jessica Smyth - UCD School of Archaeology
Each Wednesday evening two guest speakers will share information on
Ireland's Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and Neolithic farmers. Topics explored will include both sacred and domestic spaces,
early fishing techniques and exotic jadeitite axes.
Ireland's First Settlers:
Time and the Mesolithic by
Peter Woodman tells the story of the archaeology and history of the first continuous phase of Ireland’s human settlement.
It combines centuries of search and speculation about human antiquity in Ireland with a review of what is
known today about the Irish Mesolithic. This is, in part, provided in the context of the author's 50 years
of personal experience searching to make sense of what initially appeared to be little more than a collection of beach rolled and battered flint tools.
The story is embedded in how the island of Ireland, its position, distinct landscape and ecology impacted
on when and how Ireland was colonized. It also explores how these first settlers evolved their technologies
and lifeways to suit the narrow range of abundant resources that were available.
The volume concludes with discussions on how the landscape should be searched for the often ephemeral
traces of these early settlers and how sites should be excavated. It asks what we really know about
the thoughts and life of the people themselves and what happened to them as farming began to be introduced.
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