Information on next
Brigid of Faughart Festival

Brigid of Faughart Festival 2011
Festival which celebrates Brigid Of Faughart and the Celtic Festival
Imbolc in myth, landscape, folklore, spiritual customs, music and dance.
Friday 28th January
The rites and practices associated
with Brigid, Goddess and Saint.
Fr. Sean O 'Duinn
Venue: Magnet Pastoral Centre,
Demesne Road,
Time: 7.30 p.m.
Saturday 29th January
A Fine Art Mono Print Workshop for Adults
(no experience needed)
Time: 10.00am -12.00 noon
Facilitator: Mary Kearns
The Coach House, 8 Roden Place, Dundalk.
Saturday 29th January
Brigid's Bird Walk
11:30 am to around 1.00 pm.
Facilitator: Brendan McSherry, Louth Heritage Officer.
Meet at end of Castletown River Walkway beside the Newry Road Texaco filling station.
Saturday 29th January
Brigid of Faughart - Beloved of Earth and Heaven
2.30pm to 4.30 pm
Facilitator: Fr. Tom Hamill
Venue: Magnet Pastoral Centre, Demesne Rd. Dundalk
Sunday January 30th
Pilgrimage Walk to Faughart Shrine at 10 am
Starting at the Peace Garden, Linenhall St. Dundalk.
Sunday January 30th
Exploring the Sacred Sites of Faughart
12 noon to 1 pm
Facilitator: Pat O'Rourke
Meet at the Shrine Gates at Faughart, then proceeding to Faughart Graveyard.
This walk will be enhanced by the knowledge and keen interest of Pat O'Rourke in
the Faughart Landscape and Heritage
Sunday January 30th
Brigid Breathes Life into the Mouth of Dead Winter
Exploring the role of Brigid in the transformation of consciousness in Ireland
at this time
2.30 to 4.30 pm
Facilitator: Dolores Whelan
Venue: Magnet Pastoral Centre,
Demesne Road, Dundalk
Sunday January 30th
Ritual Celebration of Brigid and the festival of Imbolc @ 6.30 pm
Ravensdale Community Hall, Ravensdale, Dundalk
Monday January 31st
"Breaking Ground with Brigid" - Gardening at Imbolc
Time: 11:00 am -1:30 pm
Facilitator: Pamela Whitaker
Venue: Groundswell (located between Dundalk and Carlingford)
includes refreshments and handouts
St. Brigid's Day celebrates the awakening of the growing season, and the
planting of new gardens for health, creativity, and the nurturing of the
environment. This workshop will propagate ideas for nature friendly gardening
and celebrate traditional plants and their uses in domestic and community gardens
Monday January 31st
Poetry Reading at RIVA Townhouse, Restaurant, Seatown Pl., at 8pm.
Visiting poet is Tom French and Open Microphone will offer opportunities to
local poets to read also.
Tuesday February 1st
Healing Day
Drop in for a brief session (15 minutes)
of Healing, through Prayer and simple Laying-on of hands.
Venue: Carroll Mead Hall, Pearse Park
9.30am - 12.30pm. 5-7 pm.
Donations welcome towards rent (any surplus to Womens' Aid)
Tuesday February 1st
Eucharist for St. Brigid's Day
Fr. Tom Hamill @ 1 pm
The Oratory at Faughart Shrine
Brigid of Faughart Festival 2010
Jan 27th to Feb 1st 2010 - Dundalk, Co. Louth
Brat Bhríde welcomes you to this festival which celebrates Brigid of Faughart
and the Celtic festival of
Imbolc in myth, landscape, folklore, spiritual
customs, music poetry and dance. The emphasis of this festival is to revisit and
reclaim the richness of the traditions associated with Brigid of Faughart, in
ways which are relevant to our lives in the 21st century.
The lectures and workshops will offer opportunities:
• For expanding and deepening our knowledge of Brigid.
• For tasting the Wisdom that she was and still is.
• For integrating Feminine Consciousness more surely to contemporary culture.
The music and the time honoured rituals associated with Brigid and
Imbolc will
nourish our hearts and souls, and give us confidence in these uncertain times.
Brat Bhríde (Maura Lennon, Mairéad Heaney, Dolores Whelan, MariAnne Gosling,
Maura Matthews, Catherine Pepper and Noreen Townsend ) is a voluntary group who
have come together to organise this event.
The festival is supported by County Louth Tourism; Louth Heritage; Create Louth;
Louth County Library; An Tain Theatre and DKIT.
Wednesday, 27th Jan:
Healing Circle 7.30 p.m
Facilitator: Fr. Tom Hamill
Venue: St. Brigid's Special School, Ard Easmuinn Cost: €10
Thursday 28th Jan:
Cross making workshop for school children 11.00am &
Facilitators: Maura Lennon and Una Casey
Venue: County Library Roden Place Dundalk Free event
RECEPTION of Sacred Flame & Healing Water 4.30pm
Venue: Town Centre (opposite Courthouse)
This ceremony brings together two symbols associated with Brigid, the Sacred
Flame from Kildare and the Healing Water from Faughart Well.
Invitations have been extended to representatives from all the traditions.
We hope you will join us in this special celebration.
“Brigid and the Cosmic Landscape” 8.00pm
Speaker: Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy is an author and editor of the Dundalk Democrat.
He is co-author with Richard Moore of
Island of the Setting Sun
Friday Jan 29th
“Exploring the magic and the mystery of Water” 1.00pm
Speaker: Dolores Whelan
Venue: Dundalk County Library
In this talk Dolores draws on the work of Dr Emoto, a Japanese researcher, whose
work shows the amazing effect of thinking and music on the crystalline structure
of water. Dolores explores what this might mean in our lives especially the
healing aspect of water. Free Event
Dolores Whelan is author of “Ever Ancient Ever New Celtic Spirituality in the
21st Century”. She facilitates retreats and workshops which bring together
insights from science and spirituality.
“Brigid brings new life to today's Ireland –
Rekindling the fire of Brigid”
Facilitator: Padraigín Clancy 7.30pm
Padraigín Clancy is an Irish Folklorist and historian with a special interest on
Celtic Spirituality. She facilitates retreats that embrace Celtic spirituality,
in Ireland USA and Australia .She is editor and co-author of “Celtic Threads
Exploring the wisdom of our Heritage” (1999)
Saturday Jan 30th :
Registration for events in The Magnet Centre 9.30am
“The Rites of Brigid Goddess and Saint” 10.00 – 11.30am
Speaker: Fr. Sean O'Duinn
Fr Sean O'Duinn is a monk in Glenstal Abbey and author of “Where three streams
meet” and “ The Rites of Brigid Goddess and Saint”.
For many years he has lectured in Celtic Mythology and Folklore in Mary
Immaculate College in the University of Limerick.
“Turas an Chroí - Journey of the Heart” (Workshop 1)
Music and movement take us closer to what language cannot reach. It is a journey
into stillness, mystery and our own creativity, the journey of the heart. This
is an invitation to explore chant, meditation and movement through the depth,
beauty and richness of our Celtic heritage.
12.00 – 1.30pm
Facilitator: Deirdre Ní Chinnéide
Deirdre Ní Chinnéide has sung extensively in both Irish and English for many
years. She explores the healing potential of sound and song with particular
connection to the Spirit and Shadow of Celtic Consciousness.
“Does Brigid keep us right around here?” (Workshop 2)
3.00pm -5.30pm
Facilitator: Tom Hamill
Venue: Pastoral Centre, The Magnet, Dundalk Cost €25
Tom Hamill is deeply committed to, and experienced in offering opportunities to
adults whereby they can grow in self-knowledge, compassion and a sense of interconnectedness.
"BRIDOG" A Fine Art Inner Child Workshop for CHILDREN:
11.00am –12.30pm
Facilitator: Mary Kearns
BRIDOG" A Fine Art Inner Child Workshop for ADULTS
(no experience needed) (Workshop 3) 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Facilitator: Mary Kearns
Mary Kearns is an expressionist painter -sculptor working in Fingal. She
facilitates experiential workshops, which use light spectrum frequency to
facilitate unconscious self-expression, which leads to the unfolding of
creativity within the person.
Mary's background includes Fine Art-Education-Theology-Philosophy-Mythology. Her
exhibitions include Gods &Goddesses of Fair Fingal, Hidden Wisdom of the
Cailleach & the Many Faces of the Sacred Feminine.
Family bird watching walk 11:30-am -12.30pm
Leader: Brendan McSherry
Louth heritage officer, Brendan McSherry, will lead a short family bird-watching
walk which is suitable for adults and children aged 5 to 12 accompanied by
adults It will introduce them to the tens of thousands of wild birds who winter
here and make Dundalk Bay the top site in Ireland for over-wintering birds. This
will be a looped walk around the part of the Castletown River estuary from the
Big Bridge Newry Road to the Táin Bridge and back.
Collaborative Party! 8.30pm
Venue: Courtyard at Annaverna House, Ravensdale, Dundalk
This evening will provide an opportunity to use our collective creativity and
artistry, as we co-create an evening of song, visual art, poetry, music, and dance
Sunday 31st Jan:
Pilgrimage Walk to Faughart Shrine 9.00am
The pilgrimage will start at the Peace garden in Linenhall Street, Dundalk
People may walk some or all of the way to Faughart Shrine
Eucharist will be celebrated at Faughart led by Fr. Tom Hamill. 11am
“Awakening the Fire within” (Workshop 1) 2.00pm – 4.30pm
Brigid is strongly associated with the essential energies of life, namely fire
and water. This workshop will focus on awakening and safe harnessing of the
life-giving fire energy which, when used compassionately, awakens our passion
and supports us to become agents of transformation within our world.
Venue: Pastoral Centre, The Magnet, Dundalk
Dolores Whelan is a contributor to Celtic Threads (1999) and author of “Ever
Ancient Ever New Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century”. She facilitates
retreats and workshops in Celtic Spirituality and its relevance in our lives in
the 21st century. Her work also integrates insights from science and spirituality.
Sacred Song and Dance Labyrinth Workshop (Workshop 2)
2.00pm – 4.00pm
Labyrinths are a walking meditation, which have been used as a tool for
reflection and insight for thousands of years, and have been found in many
cultures around the world.
Imbolc celebrates the return of the light and is
traditionally a time associated with healing and new beginnings.
Small steps….. Big Changes…..
Facilitator: Valerie Whitworth
Venue: St Nicholas Hall, Philip Street.
Walking the Labyrinth 4.00 - 5.30pm
This is an opportunity for anyone who wishes to walk and experience the
Cost: Donation
Venue: St. Nicholas' Hall, Philip Street.
Story Telling for children of all ages 4.30-6.00pm
(especially adults who wish to be childlike!!!)
Facilitator: Tony Cuckson
Venue: Pastoral Centre, The Magnet, Dundalk
Tony Cuckson is an Irish mystic storyteller who invites you into the
experience of beauty through tales of the Tuatha dé Danaan, the Shining Ones.
Through these timeless wonder tales you are invited to experience the wonder of
who you are intended to be! Tony is a member of the Irish Society of Storytellers.
“Poetry in Motion” 7.30pm
Venue: An Táin Theatre Dundalk
The Poetry Chicks, are modern bards with an ancient mission, who use the Spoken
Word in the endless search for the truth This is an opportunity to experience
one of Ireland's most unique twosomes as they perform uncompromising and
original work which creates a rollercoaster of emotions.
Poet Bee Smyth will also read from her new book, “A Brigid's Breviary”, together
with the work of Barbara Smith and other local poets.
Bee Smith has published poems, short stories, and creative non-fiction is USA,
UK and Irish publications. She has a regular column in the USA women's
spirituality magazine "Sagewoman." Barbara Smith lives in Dundalk and teaches Creative Writing at DKIT. Her first
collection, Kairos, was published by Doghouse Books in 2007. She was a prize
winner in 2009 at the Wigtown Poetry Competition in Scotland.
Monday Feb 1st
Hands-on Healing:
10.00 – 11.00 am; 12.00 – 2.00pm; 5.00 – 7.00pm
You are invited to avail of Hands-on Healing – there will be a
number of practitioners using different modalities of healing offering
short 15 minute sessions per person.
“Breaking Ground with Brigid” - Gardening at Imbolc
11:00 am -1:30 pm
Facilitator: Pamela Whitaker
St. Brigid's Day celebrates the awakening of the growing season, and the
planting of new gardens for health, creativity, and the nurturing of the
environment. This workshop will propagate ideas for nature friendly gardening
and celebrate traditional plants and their uses in domestic and community
Venue: Groundswell, (located between Dundalk and Carlingford)
Pamela Whitaker and Groundswell offer organic and biodiversity gardening
workshops that combine ideas and skills for growing low maintenance ecologically
inspired gardens.
The Culture Challenge
This stimulating and timely provocation outlines the challenge of culture change
in a world undergoing a radical transition and paints a hopeful perspective on
what is possible if we understand the relationship between professional
decisions and systemic outcomes, and use our work to open up new pathways to a
very different future.
Venue: The County Museum Roden Place, Dundalk
This event is co-sponsored by DKIT
Tea/coffee served from 4.45pm Lecture: 5.00pm
Paula Downey is a partner at Downey Youell Associates, creators of CultureWork
- a unique resource supporting leaders and change agents who want to adopt a
living-systems approach to cultural renewal. Alongside her organisational
development work she speaks and writes on the challenges and opportunities of system change.
Lá Fhéile Bhríde will also be celebrated with:
The annual Triduum at St Nicholas Church, Dundalk
Jan 30th, 31st and Feb 1st each evening at 7.30pm:
Candlelight Procession from Faughart Hill to Faughart Shrine Sunday Jan 31st 8.00pm
Exhibitions: Tuesday 26th Jan until Saturday 6th Feb.
Beautiful images of the structure of Water (from the work Dr Emoto, Japanese
researcher into the effect of thinking and music on the crystalline structure of
Venue: The County Library, Dundalk
Art Exhibition by local artists will be on display in different locations
through the town - details later
Tony Cuckson is an Irish mystic storyteller inviting you into the
Experience of beauty through tales of the Tuatha dé Danaan, the Shining Ones.
Through these timeless wonder tales you are invited to experience the wonder you
are intended to be. Tony is a member of the Irish Society of Storytellers.
The Poetry Chicks perform uncompromising and original work and
create a rollercoaster of emotions; they are modern bards with an ancient
mission, rekindling the verve of Spoken Word in their endless search for the
truth about the world and about themselves. Abby Oliveira and Pamela Brown have
been performing together as The Poetry Chicks since 2006. They are based in
Derry and are regular performers on the British and Irish poetry scenes.
In 2009 Poetry Chicks tour extensively with Poetry My Arse, (a title coined by
Brendan Kennelly) which was a two-hour showcase of original performance poetry,
music, hilarity and sometimes downright randomness.
Bee Smith has published poems, short stories, and creative non-fiction is USA,
UK and Irish publications. She has a regular column in the USA women's
spirituality magazine "Sagewoman." She will read from her new book “A Brigit's Breviary".
Barbara Smith lives in Dundalk and teaches Creative Writing at DKIT. Her first
collection, Kairos, was published by Doghouse Books in 2007. She was a prize
winner in 2009 at the Wigtown Poetry Competition in Scotland's and she has won
bursaries to the Tyrone Guthrie Centre for Writers, from Dundalk Town Council
and the TGC itself. Barbara has read at the Monaghan's Flatlake Festival and the Electric Picnic.
Valerie Whitworth is a labyrinth facilitator; she trained with Dr Lauren Artress, author of Walking the Sacred Path in the Grace Cathedral, San Francisco.
Valerie is based in Omagh, she is also an artist and a Natural Voice Facilitator
and leads singing workshops and creative healing sessions around Northern Ireland.
Pamela Whitaker and Groundswell offer organic and biodiversity gardening
workshops that combine ideas and skills for growing low maintenance ecologically inspired gardens.
Dolores Whelan is a contributor to Celtic Threads (1999) and
author of “Ever Ancient Ever New Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century”. She
facilitates retreats and workshops in Celtic Spirituality and its relevance in
our lives in the 21st century. Her work also integrates insights from science and spirituality.
Mary Kearns is an expressionist painter -sculptor working in Fingal. She
facilitates experiential workshops, which use light spectrum frequency to
facilitate unconscious self expression which leads to the unfolding of
creativity within the person. Mary's background includes Fine Art-Education
-Theology-Philosophy-Mythology. Her exhibitions include Gods &Goddesses of Fair Fingal, Hidden Wisdom of the Cailleach & the many faces of the Sacred Feminine.
Tom Hamill is deeply committed to, and experienced in offering opportunities to
adults whereby they can grow in self-knowledge, compassion and a sense of interconnectedness.
Deirdre Ní Chinnéide has sung extensively in both Irish and English for many
years. She explores the healing potential of sound and song with particular
connection to the Spirit and Shadow of Celtic Consciousness.
Fr Sean O' Duinn is a monk in Glenstal Abbey and author of “Where three streams
meet” and “The Rites of Brigid Goddess and Saint “. For many years he has
lectured in Celtic Mythology and Folklore in Mary Immaculate College in the University of Limerick.
Padraigín Clancy is an Irish Folklorist and historian with a special interest on
Celtic Spirituality. She facilitates retreats that embrace Celtic spirituality,
in Ireland USA and Australia .She is editor and co-author of “Celtic Threads
Exploring the wisdom of our Heritage” (1999)
Anthony Murphy, author and editor of the Dundalk Democrat”. He
is co-author with Richard Moore of
Island of the Setting Sun.
Paula Downey is a partner at Downey Youell associates, creators of CultureWork
- a unique resource supporting leaders and change agents who want to adopt a
living-systems approach to cultural renewal. Alongside her organisational
development work she speaks and writes on the challenges and opportunities of system change.
Boyne Valley Private Day Tour

Immerse yourself in the rich heritage and culture of the Boyne Valley with our full-day private tours.
Visit Newgrange World Heritage site, explore the Hill of Slane, where Saint Patrick famously lit the Paschal fire.
Discover the Hill of Tara, the ancient seat of power for the High Kings of Ireland.
Book Now