Garret has eye on Dump - Mrs Joan FitzGerald
An article in The Irish Times, 16 March 1983
Objectors to a plan by Sligo Country Council to dump rubbish in the middle of the Carrowmore
Stone Age cemetery have received a personal message of support
from the Taoiseach's wife, Mrs Joan FitzGerald asked to see the
Carrowmore Cemetery while campaigning in Sligo during the last election.
She wrote last week to the Carrowmore Anti-Dump Committee. "I was very upset to
hear about the proposal to place a dump beside this Megalithic
cemetery about whose discovery I heard with such excitement some
time ago.
"I have spoken to
Garret about it and he tells me that he has made inquiries with
the Minster for the Environment concerning this proposed dump
asking him for a report on all the circumstances surrounding
it. He has also taken up the matter with the Minster of State
in charge of Public Works where the National Parks and Monument
Branch are, I believe, very concerned about the proposal."
Mrs FitzGerald's letter
added: "You can be assured of my continuing interest
and Garret's in this matter." She expressed the hope
that the whole matter would be sorted out satisfactorily.
A special meeting of
Sligo Country Council called by councillors who wished to scrape
the dump plan was adjourned on Monday due to the death of the
former Fianna Fall TD, Mr James Gallagher. It will reconvene
in a fortnight. In the meantime, a ban on dumping at the proposed site remains in force.

The Kissing Stone at Carrowmore with Knocknarea mountain in the background
Heritage to share
Sir, at least Etienne Rynne (letters, June 25th) agrees with me that leadership is
necessary to remove from their present obscurity the thousands
of undisplayed artefacts which represent an important elements
of our cultural heritage.
He contends that "elitists"were responsible for setting up regional museums in his part
of the country. In my part of the country, Enniscorthy museum
was set by local people deeply interested in our heritage and not by graduates in archaeology.
This is a secure and extremely well run museum which on voluntary effort and suffers
no lack of professionalism because of that. People like Etienne
Rynne ask what successive governments have done to fund local
museums. The answer is very little, but as in Enniscorthy, perhaps
given access to their own local heritage currently locked up
in Dangain, self financing museums directed and staffed
by local and committed people could prove a successful alternative to government indifferences.
But has Etienne Rynne, with his backed ground and expertise, ever through of joining
with other interested individuals of like mind to push at Mr
Haughey's door, which could just be that, much more open than his predecessor.
In answer to Mr Rynne's jibe - what have I done to match his efforts on behalf of
local museums I have initiated this correspondence which, if
the "elitists" are willing to coordinate effort with
the "laymen", could lead to the outcome we all seek.
Incidentally, I did obtain for the Department of Archaeology in UCD a very substantial funding
from another "layman" for a four-year study of the
Royal Site of Cruachan in Co Roscommon, which has already produced
some very interesting information.
If all of us who are interested in unearthing and disseminating the greatest amount
of knowledge of Ireland's past use channels and contacts available
to us, we could together, manage to move the hitherto unmovable.
Yours, etc.,
Declan Mac Partlin,
Baylands Stud,
Co Wexford.
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