Haughey Returns from the Tomb
An article by Olivia O' Leary printed in The Irish Times - 27 August 1980

The Taoiseach, Mr Haughey, leaving one of the tombs at Knowth | Photo by Eddie Kelly
I'm guarding the tomb, said Brendán O'Riordáin, director of the National
Museum, perched on the stone mouth of the burial mound into which
the Taoiseach had disappeared. Even without the angles, Mr Haughey
got back out again, exclaiming at the beauty of the 5,000-year-old
Knowth site. Asked if it would not be a grand place to build
civic offices, he grinned. On this sunny August day there would
be no clash between the Sate and archaeology.
The excavation
at Knowth have been going on since 1962 and Professor
George Eogan is now ready to start work on the eastern tomb of the great
central mound which with its two chambered tombs, is described
as the most impressive late stone age monument in Western Europe.
The western tomb had already been excavated. The bigger eastern
tomb has a 100-foot long passage leading to a cruciform chamber
with a 20-foot high roof. The great mound over it is made up
of a cairn surrounded by layers of earth and retained by a ring
of big kerbstones, which like many stones in the tombs are decorated.
As Professor Eogan explained
to the Taoiseach on his visit yesterday, the size of the mound
indicates the prosperity of the farming community in the Boyne
valley area at the time. Only a wealthy community could have
released the number of workers and engineering and architectural
specialists needed to erect the tomb, and could have afforded
to denude acres of grassland of the sods needed to make the earthen layers.
Reduced Budget
How long will it take
to excavate the eastern tomb? About 10,000 years teased Mr Haughey.
Professor Eogan though five years would be enough. He is working
on a budget of £27,000 this year not as big as the
£43,000 granted some years ago, but then the national allocation
for excavation has been cut. The State has recently acquired
additional land around the site to ensure its preservation and
make excavation easier. It is not yet clear whether there is
any particular significance to the whorl and line designs on
the stones, except that vertical lines on large stones have so
far indicated tomb entrances.
After stone age pottery, baked in the sun, there are distinctive vessel of the beaker folk (about
2,000 BC), the
Celts with their bits of Roman pottery, perhaps
looted, and their bronze instruments, pins, handles and an ear
pick for taking out wax. In the eighth to 11th centuries the
site was the residence of the kings of North Brega. Bronze keys
and a beard trimmer from this period were found, as were bracelets
of jet and combs with which, said Professor Eogan, the women
combed their golden hair. "Were they always the same?"
murmured Mr. Haughey. He tramped the site, ignoring warnings
that the ground was uneven, "Remember I'm an island man."
he said and slithered down a slippery slope to meet the oldest
worker on the site. "I suppose you knew the builder, said he.
Back behind him the local Garda Superintendent who wondered
why they didn't build the grave entrances bigger "so a man
could stand up when he went in," was surveying an exposed
passage grave. "Why didn't we find papers here," he
demanded of Professor
Frank Mitchell of Trinity, "Why didn't
we come across Dead Sea Scrolls?" Paper would have disintegrated
in our environment, he was told. He accepted the point reluctantly.
You don't succeed in the Garda force without developing a firm
belief in the indispensability of documentary evidence.
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