The man who 'cracked the Newgrange code'
Sunday Press - 12 August 1979
Horizons - Presented by Ginnie Kennealy

text books will have to be re-written in October, when Martin
Boyne Valley Vision is published in Dublin. Or if not in
October, then just as soon as the pros of the archaeological
establishment have digested his shattering discoveries, attempted
to fault them, and failed.
This, at any rate, is the belief of 37-year-old
Martin Brennan, a graphic designer
born of Irish parents in New York, and resident in Dublin for
the past ten years. He claims to have deciphered the secret language
Newgrange, thus demonstrating that stone age man in Ireland
was no primitive, but an astronomer so advanced that some of
his discoveries have only seen confirmed since we sent satellites into space.
"We've really cracked the code," he told me, understandable elated, in his top
floor flat in Dublin's Fitzwilliam Street. "I believe it's
the archaeological find of the age more important even
than the Rosetta stone in Egypt."
Martin Brennan has been
working on the Newgrange mystery for over three years, but it
was only at Easter this year that he made his big break through
the one which really opened up the mind of megalithic man,
allowing Brennan to read his strange spirals and Zig-Zags at
Newgrange like an open book.
"It's so simple
you kick yourself for not seeing it before," says Brennan.
"If I had been a trained archaeologist or astronomer I would
never have got it at all. Being trained to look at things visually,
I was able to see the signs more as they would have been seen
by people of 3,500 BC; and that's what led me to it."
Even so, all that he
grasped up to Easter this year was the symbolic meaning of the
carvings. After trying the techniques of cryptologists down to
the code-breakers of World War II, he eventually stumbled on
the secret. Then over a period of five days he unearthed such
a wealth of information that it could fill a whole book on its
"No one's really
prepared for the magnitude of what I've found. My mind is still
almost drunk at the scale of it," Brennan says. "I
thought I wasn't underestimating stone age man, just as Gerald
Hawking, who discovered that Stonehenge could have been used
as an astronomical clock, though that he wasn't But we both were."
The word "revolutionary"
is a big one, and should not, Martin Brennan believes, be used
irresponsibly. Thus he agrees that his findings are going along
the lines prepared in the last century by Sir Borman Lockyer
and earlier in this one by Prof. Alexander Thom, both of whom
point to advanced astronomical skills in megalithic man, and
suggest that their mathematical knowledge pre-dated the Egyptians.
"The idea of megalithic mounds being related to astronomy
is not new," he says "but the level of efficiency and
the depth of the calculations I have discovered are quite shattering.
I even have the equipment and tools with which they made their
geometric calculations and the navigational instruments they
used to get to the Canaries."
What are truly revolutionary,
Brennan believes, are the historical implications of his findings.
They mean that the whole idea of the primacy of the Egyptian
and Babylonian cultures as the cradle of civilisation and mathematics
goes out the window.
It changes the ancient
centre of the world from the Middle East to Ireland-or at least
to the fringes of Western Europe," he claims. "This
is like the Copernican revolution, when men had to adjust their
minds to the idea of the earth going round the sun."
How does Martin Brennan
believe that stone age man came by his advanced knowledge?
"Simply by thousands
of years of observation of the moon and the stars and the sun,"
he says. "These were things that affected him very closely.
I have traced it back to the cavemen of the ice age, whose major
worry was to escape the attentions of the famished cave bears
who hunted them for food. By putting strokes on the wall of the
cave or notches on a piece of bone to record the waxing and waning
of the moon, they could work out when the bears would be coming
out of hibernation.
Not fanciful
"Then when the ice
receded and they started to develop agriculture, the observation
of the sun's solstices and equinoxes as well as the phrases of
the moon became vital for the timing of sowing and reaping."
The amazing thing is,
however, that these people took their astronomy much further
than would have been necessary for mere prediction of the season.
Yet Martin Brennan is not tempted into any fanciful explanation
or conjuring up of demi-gods from the lost continent of Atlantis,
as some researchers in this field would be.
"Over the time period
concerned, I think it highly likely that megalithic man threw
up a genius of the statue of Newton or Einstein, who developed
their mathematics out of sheer love of the intellectual chase,"
he says. "And once you have one genius, his system can be
But while I believe that
the men of
Newgrange were so advanced that they even had the
golden section and the 2,500 year equinoctial cycle before the
Greeks, I don't think they actually used numbers, and in that
I differ from a lot of students of the period.
No numbers
"I believe they
did it all visually. You don't need numbers for their kind of
geometry in action. And they didn't need numbers, either for
their type of civilisation, which had no real concept of personal
property and therefore no need for divisions into fractions".
Martin Brennan first
became interested in Newgrange and the other sites of the Boyne
Valley not from an archaeological or astronomic point of view,
but from his interest in prehistoric religion and art. And it's
remarkable, he says, how art, religion and science all merge
in the achievements and pursuits of megalithic man. However he
realises that given his background his discoveries may at first
be dismissed as the ravings of an amateur.
"I don't really
expect the archaeologists to take me seriously to begin with,"
he says. "They'd naturally feel that I could have nothing
to say, not being professional. But when they see what I've got
they'll just have to sit up and take notice, even though my discoveries
will mean throwing a good many accepted archaeological ideas
out the window.
Sun and moon
"I'm sure that Newgrange
was not originally built as a burial site although later on it
came to be used as one. It is most deliberately aligned not only
to the rising sun at the winter solstice, as is generally known,
but to the moon at certain periods, when the rising moon fills
the whole chamber with silver light.
So I'm sure the mound's
primary purpose was astronomical. The whole game is to harmonise
the sun and the moon, and I started my research at the site three
years ago where the other astronomical researcher left off."
But Martin Brennan's
discoveries go further than the simple atronomical. By cracking
the code of the Newgrange inscriptions he believes that he has
made it possible for us to read the secret language of all the
megalithic sites in Europe, in the Canary Islands, and possibly
further afield as well. He is particularly interested in Mexico
and Japan.
So from October on, when
he is due to become a world celebrity, it seems unlikely that
Martin Brennan will have time for anything but work on his next
book and the next stages of the research. At present he works
as graphic designer and teaches aikido, the Japanese martial
art, in his spare time. Such activities, no doubt, will come
to an end.
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