Newgrange oldest Observatory in world
By Dick Ahlstrom, Irish Times Science Correspondent - 26 January 1989.
The Newgrange passage grave in Co. Meath constitutes the oldest known
astronomical observatory in the world. According to a researcher
at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies in Dublin. The
graves predate the much better known Stonehenge structures by
1,000 years and their alignment with the
winter solstice sun
is almost certainly not accidental, states Professor Tom Ray of the institute.

The white quartz glows in the Winter Solstice sunlight at Newgrange
The significance of Newgrange
in an astronomical sense was ignored for decades, largely because
it was assumed the passage grave was only approximately aligned
with the rising sun at midwinter. Careful analysis by Professor
Ray, published this morning as the cover story in the current
issues if
Nature, showed, however, that the grave is very
accurately aligned towards the sun as it would have risen over Ireland 5,000 years ago.
He dates the Newgrange site to 3150 BC, a full Millennium older than Stonehenge in Britain.
At that time, the earth's inclination in relation to the sun
was 24 degrees, but the gravitational pull of the moon has over
the past 50 centuries reduced this to 23.5 degrees.
Ignoring this fact caused modern Newgrange observers to assume there was a high likelihood
of an accidental alignment, but following Professor Ray's analysis
this has been boosted to a one in 300 or 400 chance. "I think
the case for Newgrange is as good as Stonehenge, if not better" he said.

It's the higher sunbeam from the Roofbox that illuminates the chamber inside Newgrange
His calculations adjusted for the change in the earth's tilt showed a very accurate alignment
within half a degree of perfect, a remarkable achievement for its megalithic architects.
Light from the mid-winter sun penetrates 18 metres to the back of the passage grave, entering
through a gap or "roof box" above the entrance to the tomb.
The sun now enters the chamber four and a half minutes after sunrise, but 5,000 years
ago it would have caught its earliest rays, appearing first in
the bottom left-hand corner of the roof box. The box size that
almost perfectly frames the sun's disc as it rises and the final
rays reach into the chamber as the sun tracks away passing the
upper right-hand corner of the roof box.
The box height and width add weight to Professor Ray's arguments about the astronomical
significance of Newgrange.

The Newgrange roof-box over the entrance at the Winter Solstice
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