Riddles of the Boyne Valley
An article by Tony O'Riordan | Printed in The Irish Times - 3 January 1981
The Boyne Valley Vision

may be said about Martin Brennan's theory, he tells his story well. In what
may be a deliberately stylised version of an old-fashioned detective
novel, he writes of his growing belief in the mystery of the
Boyne Valley's megalithic tombs and of his gradual solving of
his personal riddle of the sphinx. Phrases occur like "I
felt that Newgrange was such a centre but I could not prove it
then" and "On March 17th St, Patrick's Day 1979, I
decided to change my tactics." Chapters end: "Providing
the seeds of an idea that bore a strange and wonderful fruit" / "with
this key and the grid system I could begin to crack the code".
"Nevertheless it took time before I could entirely appreciate
the nature of my findings. The whole picture emerged in pieces."
As in the best fiction, accidental events help; "It happened
by chance that on Easter Monday we went to the airport to see
off some friends". This, of course, leads to the finding
of another piece of the jigsaw.
Martin Brennan is not, I
believe, a trained archaeologist but he has majored in Visual
Communications. His researches in rock inscriptions have taken
him to Mexico and to Japan, where the scholar Kimitaro Kitamura
urged him (rather oddly, to me) to study ancient Irish culture.
No one will deny that he has done so. He moves freely among
the Fiannaiocht and Ruraiocht. (Red Branch) cycles and quotes
Jonathan Swift on Sliabh na Caillighe, among more familiar quotations.
But more than that, he moves from Loughcrew to Yucatan taking
in Mycenae, the Inca civilisation and the Pyramids. The archaeologists
who will take him on (and they will) had better get their facts right.
Mr. Brennan writes: "the exact bearings of passages in the mounds are not always accurate
on ground plans used by archaeologists." He has a theory
that "geometry did not begin on the banks of the Nile; it
began on the banks of the Boyne." He believes that the
megalithic builders of the mounds at Newgrange and elsewhere
made the first survey of Ireland over 5,000 years ago and that
the positioning of many of our stones circles and of standing
stones was not accidental but related to a complex whole. Newgrange
is the centre of a meridian, of a complex sundial that, not alone
told time in the conventional sense that a sundial does, but
in addition, that the builders of Newgrange had designed so that
it could measure sidereal time and space and understood the twenty-year
great conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter and track the Lunar
and other cycles.
He makes an impressive case, one that I will mark "not proven," but with respect,
he could not be the first amateur in the original sense of the
word --- Pace Schliemann to upstage the academic. At the
same time, I would like to see more research done into the actual
foundation of
Newgrange and
Dowth and
Knowth, not alone by archaeologists
but by engineers as well. Is it possible that the builders were
able to design these structures so that they would not have moved
in thousands of years? After all, the Annals of Ulster record
an earthquake early in 768 A.D. in any event, earth tremors
would, one would think, alter the extraordinary fine setting
of the stones at Newgrange and Dowth that let in slanting sun
at the
Winter Solstice.
Whatever doubts there
may be about his theory, there can be none but that we are going
to hear a lot more about Mr Brennan. His work is going to upgrade
the importance of the mounds of the Boyne Valley "Ireland's
most precious possessions." To quote him again: "The
accepted view is that these mounds are the work of people living
in barbarian Europe. But who are the barbarians: the people
who built the mounds or the people who tried to destroy them
to build roads. We have done Neolithic man an injustice
in not recognising his achievement. We have thus also done ourselves
an injustice because we have misjudged the development of human
culture and the origins of science."
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