The Boyne Inheritance
Published in The Irish Times 22 December 1980
The annual pilgrimage to the great Meath necropolis of
Dowth and
at the winter solstice is of interest to more than archaeologists.
Whether these edifices in the Boyne Valley were primarily burial mounds or astronomical
constructions or a combination of both will matter little to
the man or woman in the street. What does matter is that the
continuing study of these constructions and the teasing out of
any details of the life of those who built them could be a useful
addition to our knowledge of ourselves. For it will give us some
perspective on our history; perhaps even induce some sense of humility into us.

Sunbeam in the Newgrange passage at the Winter Solstice
Look at our present discontents. Some people date their origins back to the coming of the Normans
in 1169: some to the Elizabethan wars and the Plantation of Ulster,
to the Flight of the Earls or 1690; to the Act of Union or in any case, to Partition - to the Anglo-Irish settlement of 1921.
That is a span of a mere 800 years. Yet these Meath tombs were built some three thousand
years before the Normans came; over two millennia before the
arrived from the European mainland. That these builders formed an organised, a sophisticated society, can hardly be denied.
Even today Newgrange's artful construction has not allowed one drop of water to seep through into the main chamber.
They managed without metal tools, without the wheel; some of the stone came from far
away. The savants tell us that they were a farming folk, probably as numerous as the present inhabitants of the area.
And one thinker,
Frank Mitchell, author of one of the seminal books on
this country,
The Irish Landscape has daringly worked
out the number of men employed, the amount of earth and stone
in the mound, and the number of days they would have needed to do the job.
There is nothing in a
study of these remote people, their customs and presumed way
of life to give us direst guidance on any of our problems of
today. (Professor Estyn Evans has mischievously suggested that
sectarianism may have raised its ugly head even then this he
deduced from the different style of tomb-building which distinguished
Ulster and the north-west form the rest of the island.)
Yet it is believed that some of our attitudes to life, some of our most ingrained habits,
can be traced back to the pre-Celtic inhabitants. An American
has even claimed that something like half of the genes in the
Irish man or woman of today can be traced back to the oldest
Mesolithic settlers i.e., even before the Boyne tomb-builders.
We have to live our own lives in our own way. But a respect for those ancestors of ours
might help to still some of the more strident claims that the
soil of Ireland belongs predominantly to one rather than the
other of the peoples who have descended on this island.

The annual pilgrimage to the great Meath necropolis of Newgrange, Dowth and Knowth at the winter solstice
Newgrange and Dowth
Letter to The Irish Times, published 18 December 1980.
Mr. Brennan (Irishman's
Diary, December 11th) is to complimented on his enterprise and
vigour. May I add one or two points to emphasis the value of
his research?
Processor Kelly some time ago established that the winter solstice dawn-ray took four minutes before it entered
the aperture prepared for it at Newgrange. Four minutes of time exactly represent one degree of movement.
Experts assure us that owing to a persistent shift in the inclination of Earth's
axis to the plane of the sun the solstice-angle has moved half
a degree between 2000BC and the present roughly over 4,000 years.
A shift of one degree therefore suggests that in the period
circo 6,000 BC the sun-ray would have entered the aperature precisely
at dawn. The assistance this gives to the problem of dating
is as obvious as confirmation of the precision of early astronomic
Mr. Brennan clearly appreciates that the sunset, as recorded by any type of gnomon, always occurs
in exact opposite alignment to sunrise of the same day. The pattern of the Solstices therefore
appears as a Saltire or Andrew Cross, or a kind of X. this is the basis of our own sitting on the 24-hour
clock face of 8am and 4pm, 4am and 8pm to mark the conventional
times of dawn and nightfall at, respectively, Winter and Summer
Solstice. The alignment of prehistoric monuments, like Stonehenge,
to the axis of Summer dawn and Winter sunset, the extreme points
of the sun's decline and death and of its renewal and consummation,
had a profound effect on the growth of our traditions of philosophy
and religion. The Saltire of the Solstices, represented as the
Labrys of the Minoans and Labarum of Constantime, is a symbol
of men's unique relationship with the mystery of Creation. It
is to be hoped that Mr. Brennan at Dowth will be able to confirm
these points and attach even greater importance to ancient monuments
in Ireland in general.
Yours etc.
Alun Llewellyn
52 Silchester Park,
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