Newgrange - Letters to the Editor
Printed in The Irish Times 29 June 1988
Sir, It is good to see scientists proving beyond reasonable doubt, that
Newgrange indeed
has an astronomical function (June 21st). I hope this will help
wean us from the inaccurate title of tomb, that has been given
to these special structures. In recent years the term dolmen,
with us since time immemorial, has been edited out of such books
as Seán P. Ó Ríordáin's
Antiquities of the Irish Countryside
and replaced with the title "Portal tomb". This I feel is a definite step in the wrong direction.

Sunbeam in the Newgrange passage at the Winter Solstice
Martin Brennan in his book
The stars and the Stones
in Part II Megalithic Observatories, details the discoveries of the astronomical alignments
of the megalithic mounds at
Dowth (Winter Solstice sunset)
Loughcrew Cairn T (Spring and Autumnal Equinox's)
Cairn L (Cross quarter days). I was fortunate to work with Brennan and have first hand
experience in these discoveries. These along with other astronomical
discoveries proved beyond doubt an active astronomical function.
The term observatory, however, does not reveal them in their full light either.
Our group along with others have been collection an ever increasing body of information
on these structures. The more we find out the more we realise
that our ancestors had vastly more awareness in many fields than
previously imagined. We still have much to learn/relearn in
our study of the masterly system of interconnected ancient sacred
sights including dolmen, standing stones, stone circles and mounds.
Undoubtedly enough is now known to be quite sure that there
is no justification to continue to refer to Newgrange, other
mounds and dolmens as tombs. This is not a particularly recent
notion as evidenced from William Borlase's "The Dolmens
of Ireland" (1897) page 638 "A dolmen wherever
found is no mere tomb made to be closed for ever on the remains
within or buried in a tumulus without approach being left to
the central vault, or cell; it was a temple surely and truly
as the temple Artemis at Eleusis, or as any of the cellae memoriae
of pagans first and Christian afterwards."
The cruciform ground plan of Newgrange is repeated many times around the country and throughout
the world in churches. To quote T.F. O'Rahilly in his "Early
Irish History and Mythology" page 470 "Our earliest
documentary allusion to Irish pagan beliefs occurs in St Patrick's
'Confessio' in a passage which may be paraphrased as follows:-
The splendour of the material sun, which rises everyday at the
bidding of god, will pass away, and those who worship it will
go into dire punishment; whereas "the true sun of Christ'
whom we, Christians worship shall endure for ever, and those
who do his will shall abide with Him for ever." Here we
have the evidence of an unimpeachable authority that the worship
of the sun was a prominent feature in the pagan religion of fifth century Ireland.
When we come to publicly recognise
as more temple than tomb, we will be taking a significant step in the right direction.
Yours etc.,
Toby Hall
Stonelight Research Group,
10c Temple lane,
Dublin 2
July 1st
Sir, - It was decent of a couple of intrepid scientists from the Institute of Advanced
Studies to "reveal" (June 21st) that Newgrange was
built on a deliberate alignment with the rising sun, for religious reasons.
A little further study would reveal that half of the cathedrals in Europe were built
the same way. I wonder what will dawn on them next? -
Yours, etc.,
Cranagh Castle,
Co Tipperary.
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