Historical Fiction Books
Bending The Boyne, ca. 2200 BCE
by J.S. Dunn, a novel of ancient Ireland. The author became interested in the megaliths of the Boyne Valley
and who built them and why. With the coming of metals and marine traders, the communities and mounds fell into disrepair around
the time of 2000 BCE. This novel tells the story of what happened, drawing on
the rich characters from early mythology: Boann, the Dagda, Cian, and others.
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Spirit Mound is a novel that focuses
on the building of Newgrange when ancient tribes gathered in the
Boyne River Valley to form a communal alliance consisting of the
wheat tribe, the heron tribe and the wolf tribe. Oonah, chief of the
wolf tribe, receives visions to build a spirit connector in which
ashes of the deceased were to be placed in an inner chamber. There,
during each
winter solstice, the
sun's rays would energize the spirits to come forth and communicate
with the living up to our own time. Purchase at
Amazon.com or
The Princes of Ireland is a novel which begins in tribal, pre-Christian
Ireland during the reign of the mighty High Kings at Tara.
It is an epic story of love and battle, family life and political intrigue in Ireland
over the course of eleven centuries. The Princes of Ireland weaves impeccable historical
research and mesmerizing storytelling in capturing the essence of a place and its people.
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Amazon.com or
prologue to the novel sets the scene of
ancient Ireland with the winter solstice at Newgrange the centrepiece.
The Stonehenge Scrolls by
K.P. Robbins.
Did Irish Builders Design Stonehenge?
This historical novel says that Irish
builders designed Stonehenge. The author K.P. Robbins writes that a guild of
monument builders trained at Ireland's Newgrange and then traveled the British
Isles to supervise construction of ancient sites, including Stonehenge.
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Amazon.com or
Winter solstice - A Novel by
Lucy Costigan
explores the agonies and the ecstasies of loving and living, and the
individual's attempt to cope with the ensuing chaos. This novel is a rich portrayal of
love and relationships, loss and healing, and offers readers deep insight into ancient
Celtic traditions of spirituality and rebirth.
Purchase at
Amazon.com or
Boyne Valley Private Day Tour

Immerse yourself in the rich heritage and culture of the Boyne Valley with our full-day private tours.
Visit Newgrange World Heritage site, explore the Hill of Slane, where Saint Patrick famously lit the Paschal fire.
Discover the Hill of Tara, the ancient seat of power for the High Kings of Ireland.
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